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This should have been posted by mid-sept when this ad was published. I guess it just slipped off my mind. Never-the-less here it is :O)

I visited the Bandra festival sometime last week. As I passed a particular stall, there were people standing outside saying “Peeo G” and handing you a cup of hot tea. They were actually promoting a new brand of tea called “Peeo G” by Lahejjat tea. The tea did taste nice and i did leave the place after having bought half a kg of Peeo G. I don’t know If i’d ever buy Peeo G again (not too fussy about tea brands) but I will definitely remember the ‘Peeo G’ brand experience for many days to come :O)
I came across this. And I absolutely adore it for the sheer simplicity in which the message has been conveyed :O)